Hosted By: National Criminal Justice Training Center
Date: 6/16/2021
Time: 4:00am – 5:30am
Description: Review the basics of sex offender management and evidence-based techniques used to make considerations related to the application of supervision and treatment. Identify the role of the supervising officer and the value of engaging victim/survivors, offender’s families, effectively responding to violations and supporting strength-based practices to promote behavior change. Discuss how static and dynamic risk factors can help make informed decisions and identify contributing risk factors linked to sexual offending. Explore the relationship between typologies and the application of risk, need responsivity. Examine a victim/survivor-centered approach to supervision and treatment and understand how to balance this approach to support community safety.
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Date: 6/16/2021
Time: 4:00am – 5:30am
Description: Review the basics of sex offender management and evidence-based techniques used to make considerations related to the application of supervision and treatment. Identify the role of the supervising officer and the value of engaging victim/survivors, offender’s families, effectively responding to violations and supporting strength-based practices to promote behavior change. Discuss how static and dynamic risk factors can help make informed decisions and identify contributing risk factors linked to sexual offending. Explore the relationship between typologies and the application of risk, need responsivity. Examine a victim/survivor-centered approach to supervision and treatment and understand how to balance this approach to support community safety.
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